Introduction to Computing Using Python: An Application Development Focus: Safari Books Online
GOOD BOOKTable of Contents Introduction to Computing Using Python: An Application Development FocusCopyrightDedicationContentsPrefaceThe Book's Technical FeaturesOnline Textbook SupplementsFor Students: How to Read This BookOverview of the BookFor Instructors: How to Use This BookAcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorCHAPTER 1: Introduction to Computer Science1.1 Computer Science1.2 Computer Systems1.3 Python Programming Language1.4 Computational ThinkingChapter SummaryCHAPTER 2: Python Data Types2.1 Expressions, Variables, and Assignments2.2 Strings2.3 Lists2.4 Objects and Classes2.5 Python Standard Library2.6 Case Study: Turtle Graphics ObjectsChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesCHAPTER 3: Imperative Programming3.1 Python Programs3.2 Execution Control Structures3.3 User-Defined Functions3.4 Python Variables and Assignments3.5 Parameter Passing3.6 Case Study: Automating Turtle GraphicsChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsProblemsCHAPTER 4: Text Data, Files, and Exceptions4.1 Strings, Revisited4.2 Formatted Output4.3 Files4.4 Errors and Exceptions4.5 Case Study: Logging File AccessChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesProblemsCHAPTER 5: Execution Control Structures5.1 Decision Control and the if Statement5.2 for Loop and Iteration Patterns5.3 More on Lists: Two-Dimensional Lists5.4 while Loop5.5 More Loop Patterns5.6 Additional Iteration Control StatementsChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesProblemsCHAPTER 6: Containers and Randomness6.1 Dictionaries6.2 Other Built-In Container Types6.3 Character Encodings and Strings6.4 Module random6.5 Case Study: Games of ChanceChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesCHAPTER 7: Namespaces7.1 Encapsulation in Functions7.2 Global versus Local Namespaces7.3 Exceptional Control Flow7.4 Modules as Namespaces7.5 Classes as NamespacesChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsProblemsCHAPTER 8: Object-Oriented Programming8.1 Defining a New Python Class8.2 Examples of User-Defined Classes8.3 Designing New Container Classes8.4 Overloaded Operators8.5 Inheritance8.6 User-Defined Exceptions8.7 Case Study: Indexing and IteratorsChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesProblemsCHAPTER 9: Graphical User Interfaces9.1 Basics of tkinter GUI Development9.2 Event-Based tkinter Widgets9.3 Designing GUIs9.4 OOP for GUIs9.5 Case Study: Developing a CalculatorChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsProblemsCHAPTER 10: Recursion10.1 Introduction to Recursion10.2 Examples of Recursion10.3 Run Time Analysis10.4 Searching10.5 Case Study: Tower of HanoiChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesProblemsCHAPTER 11: The Web and Search11.1 The World Wide Web11.2 Python WWW API11.3 String Pattern Matching11.4 Case Study: Web CrawlerChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesProblemsCHAPTER 12: Databases and Data Processing12.1 Databases and SQL12.2 Database Programming in Python12.3 Functional Language Approach12.4 Parallel ComputingChapter SummarySolutions to Practice ProblemsExercisesProblemsIndex
The Book's Technical Features
Online Textbook Supplements
For Students: How to Read This Book
Overview of the Book
For Instructors: How to Use This Book
About the Author
1.1 Computer Science
1.2 Computer Systems
1.3 Python Programming Language
1.4 Computational Thinking
Chapter Summary
2.1 Expressions, Variables, and Assignments
2.2 Strings
2.3 Lists
2.4 Objects and Classes
2.5 Python Standard Library
2.6 Case Study: Turtle Graphics Objects
Solutions to Practice Problems
3.1 Python Programs
3.2 Execution Control Structures
3.3 User-Defined Functions
3.4 Python Variables and Assignments
3.5 Parameter Passing
3.6 Case Study: Automating Turtle Graphics
4.1 Strings, Revisited
4.2 Formatted Output
4.3 Files
4.4 Errors and Exceptions
4.5 Case Study: Logging File Access
5.1 Decision Control and the if Statement
5.2 for Loop and Iteration Patterns
5.3 More on Lists: Two-Dimensional Lists
5.4 while Loop
5.5 More Loop Patterns
5.6 Additional Iteration Control Statements
6.1 Dictionaries
6.2 Other Built-In Container Types
6.3 Character Encodings and Strings
6.4 Module random
6.5 Case Study: Games of Chance
7.1 Encapsulation in Functions
7.2 Global versus Local Namespaces
7.3 Exceptional Control Flow
7.4 Modules as Namespaces
7.5 Classes as Namespaces
8.1 Defining a New Python Class
8.2 Examples of User-Defined Classes
8.3 Designing New Container Classes
8.4 Overloaded Operators
8.5 Inheritance
8.6 User-Defined Exceptions
8.7 Case Study: Indexing and Iterators
9.1 Basics of tkinter GUI Development
9.2 Event-Based tkinter Widgets
9.3 Designing GUIs
9.4 OOP for GUIs
9.5 Case Study: Developing a Calculator
10.1 Introduction to Recursion
10.2 Examples of Recursion
10.3 Run Time Analysis
10.4 Searching
10.5 Case Study: Tower of Hanoi
11.1 The World Wide Web
11.2 Python WWW API
11.3 String Pattern Matching
11.4 Case Study: Web Crawler
12.1 Databases and SQL
12.2 Database Programming in Python
12.3 Functional Language Approach
12.4 Parallel Computing